About the IKAA

Institute of Korean Archaeology and Ancient History (IKAA)
was founded on December 12, 2014
as an affiliated institute of KyungHee University Institute of Humanities, with a mission to promoting the development of humanities through academic research on ancient history and archaeology. The IKAA was reorganized into the Center for Korean Archaeology and Ancient History (May 1, 2016) under the Office of Research at KyungHee University, and became independent institute under KyungHee University on April 1, 2017.
”IKAA’s History
A new director Prof. In-Uk Kang is appointed.
The IKAA is reorganized.
Institute Programs in the Humanities & Social Sciences of the NRF is resumed.
The IKAA is became independent institute under the KyungHee University.
Institute of Korean Archeology and Ancient History is established under the KyungHee University Institute of Humanities.
KyungHee University Institute of Humanities is selected for Priority Research Institute Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) for Korean History Research Support Project. Prof. In-Sung Cho is appointed to the first director.
- 2014 ~ 2017
Priority Research Institute Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea : Rational Understanding of Korean Ancient History
KyungHee University Institute of Humanities conducted the Priority Research Institute Program (Project title: “A Study on Northern Culture and Gojoseon Based on Interdisciplinary Cooperation: Building a Korean Ancient history research hub”) of National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) from November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2017. IKAA was established on December 12, 2014 for the practical promotion of the research.
People who tried to interpret their history, such as Gojoseon, based on nationalism has appeared in Korea. Meanwhile, China formalized a view that regards the history of Goguryeo and Balhae, as well as Gojoseon, as a part of Chinese history. The IKAA criticized such irrational, nationalist, hegemonic and Neo-Sinocentrism perceptions and research, while deepening the study of Korean ancient history and spreading its results. The research on the relationship between Gojoseon and northern culture was an attempt to expand the perspective of Korean ancient history.
The IKAA held a total of 11 academic conferences at home and abroad and 28 colloquiums while carrying out the program. The results of the program were published in four series and dozens of articles. The IKAA has established itself as Korean ancient history research hub, making academic exchange agreements with 14 domestic and international academic societies and institutions. As part of sharing the results with the society, four lectures for the citizen and two teacher training sessions were held. With the opening of an archaeological academy for undergraduate students, 7 students went on to graduate school, and two research professors became full-time university professors, and one became HK+ research professor.
- 2017 ~ 2019
Strengthening the Substantiality and Developing New Research Topics
With the successful conduct of the project from 2014 to 2017, the IKAA was able to establish itself as a research institute that opens new horizons in Korean ancient history despite its short history. At the end of the first research project in October 2017, the achievements of the three years were evaluated, new research topics were developed, and the international network was strengthened. After the IKAA’s first research project effectively responded to the movement of irrational interpretation of Korean ancient history, the institute conceived next step to reveal exchanges with each region of Eurasia. During this period, various information was exchanged through human exchanges and seminars with the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography and Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 2019 ~ 현재
“Institute Programs in the Humanities & Social Sciences” of the National Research Foundation of Korea : Opening New Horizons for Korean Ancient History
After two years of preparation, the IKAA has begun to take a leap forward to the second stage, which opens new horizon in time and space of Korean ancient history with a broader perspective and an agenda based on new data. The IKAA's initiative has taken shape by being selected as a research institute in the field of New Northern Policy of strategic regional research-type of the NRF’s Institute Programs in the Humanities & Social Sciences on September 1, 2019. The research theme is “Ancient Korean-Eurasian Network and Establishment of the New Silk Road” (Project No.: 2019S1A5C2A01083578). The research aims at investigating and sharing new perspectives and data on the relationship between Korean ancient history and the various regions of northern Eurasia that have shared history with Korea, rather than the viewpoint of limiting the stage of Korean history to the Korean peninsula or of expanding unreasonably to Eurasia.
Through interdisciplinary research centered on archeology, the IKAA will sequentially reveal the ancient networks of Korea and Eurasia, such as the Maritime Province, Manchuria, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Turkey, which is the main target regions of the New Northern Policy. The IKAA will establish an ancient Korean-Eurasian network system, which can be called Korean model of the new Silk Road, and cultivate experts in each region.
The Eurasian region has endless possibilities economically and culturally. The New Northern Policy of the government will be the first step in paving the path for common prosperity by enhancing the connection between Korea and various Eurasian countries. The research, which attempts to restore the exchange network between the Korean Peninsula and the Eurasia region in the past, will be utilized as an important academic asset of the New Northern Policy.
국내학술회의 | |
2015.04. | 제1회 한국고대사의 제문제(1) |
2015.05. | 제2회 고조선 연구의 신지평 |
2015.09. | 제3회 고대 북방과 제민족의 고고학 |
2016.04. | 제4회 고대 동북아 민족의 고고와 역사 |
2016.09. | 제5회 비파형동검문화의 전개와 고조선의 성립 |
2016.11. | 제6회 선비와 고구려·부여 |
2017.04. | 제7회 한반도 출토 비파형동검의 제문제 |
2017.06. | 제8회 고조선사의 제문제 |
2018.10. | 제9회 고고학으로 본 유라시아와 한반도 |
2019.12. | 제10회 동북아시아의 인적·물적 네트워크와 고구려·발해 |
2020.08. | 제11회 고대 유라시아 네트워크의 관점에서 바라본 한국과 연해주 |
2020.10. | 제12회 유적과 유물로 본 부여의 고대 네트워크 |
국제학술회의 | |
2015.10. | 제1회 고조선의 여명 |
2016.12. | 제2회 한중학계의 고구려·발해사 최신 연구 동향 |
콜로키엄 | |
2014.12.29 | 제1회 흉노와 내륙아시아 유목제국 |
2015.02.04 | 제2회 동북아시아 일대 인물상을 통하여 본 고조선의 얼굴 |
2015.02.25 | 제3회 식민사관의 蹉跌 - 조선사학회와 식민사학의 제도화 - |
2015.03.11 | 제4회 석기분석에 관한 다윈진화론의 세 가지 형식 |
2015.03.20 | 제5회 중국 요동지역 고인돌 문화의 출현과 형성과정 |
2015.06.10 | 제6회 朝鮮古蹟調査와 야쓰이 세이치(谷井濟一) |
2015.10.28 | 제8회 사이비 역사학, 현황과 문제점 |
2015.11.25 | 제9회 한사군, 식민사학 프레임의 문제 |
2016.01.27 | 제10회 위서의 사회사(1) |
2016.02.15 | 제11회 동아시아 고고학 특강(1) |
2016.02.24 | 제12회 위서(僞書)의 사회사(2) |
2016.03.14 | 제13회 동아시아 고고학 특강(2) |
2016.05.02 | 제14회 동아시아 고고학 특강(3) |
2016.05.03 | 제15회 타율성론의 실상과 허상 |
2016.05.16 | 제16회 국립문화재연구소 최신연구성과와 업무소개 |
2016.08.18 | 제17회 근대 역사학과 민족주의 |
2016.11.16 | 제18회 위서로 보는 동아시아 |
2017.01.13 | 제19회 고구려, 발해 분야에서의 신진연구자 육성 및 연구 활성화 |
2017.03.31 | 제20회 고조선 멸망과 삼한 여러나라 |
2017.04.21 | 제21회 카자흐스탄의 유목문화의 적석목곽분과 황금유물 |
2017.05.12 | 제22회 고대 동아시아의 불교와 의학 |
2017.08.30 | 제23회 고대 한일관계사의 제문제 |
2017.09.19 | 제24회 만주사의 제문제 |
2017.09.27 | 제25회 한국 고고학의 현황과 전망 |
2018.05.03 | 제27회 전국시대 연국燕國의 요동군 통치방식 연구 |
2020.02.04 | 제31회 눈과 손으로 본 사람 뼈를 통해 우리가 알 수 있는 것들 |
2020.02.12 | 제32회 금석문을 통한 신라사의 단초 찾기 |
2020.12.17 | 제33회 러시아의 고조선 연구 200년 |
해외학자 초청 콜로키엄 | |
2015.09.30 | 제7회 러시아 극동고고학의 최신 성과 |
2018.01.16 | 제26회 시베리아 고고학의 현황과 교육 |
2018.12.04 | 제28회 자바이칼의 흉노제국의 고고학적 연구 |
2019.01.18 | 제29회 Modern Human Origins: Perspectives from Eastern Asia |
2019.04.30 | 제30회 시베리아의 초기 철기시대 문화 |
2020.10.29 | 제1회 해외연구자 초청 콜로키엄 : 말갈 문화의 성립과 일본 북부와의 관계 |
2021.01.21 | 제2회 해외연구자 초청 콜로키엄 : 몽골의 선비(鮮卑) 고고학 최신 연구 성과 -아이라긴 고즈고르 유적을 중심으로- |
교육 | |
2015.01.~08. | 고고아카데미 제1기 연수생 교육 |
2016.01. | 교원직무연수 진행 : 고조선사 이해의 길라잡이 |
2016.01.~10. | 고고아카데미 제2기 연수생 교육 |
2016.03.~06. | 2016년도 전반기 한국 고대사 시민강좌 진행 |
2017.01.~10. | 고고아카데미 제3기 연수생 교육 |
2017.03.~04. | 성북문화원 시민역사강좌 진행 : 잊혀진 패자(敗者)의 고대사 |
2020.02.~08. | 고고아카데미 제4기 연수생 교육 |
2021.01.~ | 고고아카데미 제5기 연수생 교육 |
연구총서 | |
2016.08. | 경희 고고학 고대사 연구총서 1 - 『알타이 초원의 기마인』 발간 |
2016.10. | 경희 고고학 고대사 연구총서 2 - 『한국 청동기시대 공간과 경관』 발간 |
2017.10. | 경희 고고학 고대사 연구총서 3 - 『동북사강』 발간 |
2018.10. | 경희 고고학 고대사 연구총서 4 - 『고구려-수 전쟁』 발간 |